Post Tagged with: "drum sander"

The Drum Sander: A Tool You Didn’t Know You Needed

The Drum Sander: A Tool You Didn’t Know You Needed

Pre-sand blanks or refine scrolled projects without breaking a sweat By Carole Rothman When you consider how many different types of sanders have the word “drum” in their name, you can appreciate how confusing the terminology can be, for both novice and experienced woodworkers. Even if you know this tool […]

by September 19, 2022 Shop Tips
18" Sand-Flee Portable Drum Sander

18″ Sand-Flee Portable Drum Sander

By Bob Duncan A portable drum sander, such as a Sand-Flee, forgoes the conveyor belt and requires you to move the stock by hand. It takes a bit of practice to keep the feed rate steady, but Rolf Beuttenmuller, an SSW test cutter, sees the hand control as a plus. […]

by November 10, 2016 Product Reviews