Short Cuts - Issue Three

eNews: Short Cuts

Short Cuts – Issue Three

Welcome to the third issue of Short Cuts!

Our quarterly e-newsletter Short Cuts is our way of staying in touch with you between issues of Scroll Saw Woodworking & Crafts. Here we share projects, features, tips, insider scoop on books and authors, club news, and more. We hope you enjoy reading it as much as we enjoyed writing it for you! Click here to sign up for Short Cuts.


unnamed Open House 2016: Recap

We had a great time at our Open House event, held here in Lancaster, Pa., in May. Check out photos of the teachers, exhibitors, clubs, and more at Plus, look for the newsletter link to be sure you get info about next year’s show!

unnamed-1 Book Corner: Two New Scrolling Books

Go behind the scenes in Fox Chapel Publishing’s book department for a progress report on our next two scrolling books.

unnamed-2 Fish Coasters

We’re delving into the archives to post patterns for some of our favorite projects from years past absolutely free of charge!

unnamed-3 Lighthouse Silhouette

Here is another popular pattern from our archives. To see even more great projects, follow the link and then surf our site using the “How To” menu.

unnamed-4 Club News: July 2016
The Scrollsaw Association of the World (SAW) has elected new leaders and is looking to revitalize its membership. To learn more about SAW…
unnamed-5 Tool Tips: 18-gauge Stapler

Technical editor Bob Duncan explains why scrollers need an 18-gauge stapler.

unnamed-6 Photo Tips: Lighting

Practical tips on lighting by Jon Deck.