O’Keefe’s Working Hands heals dry hands and lets you keep a grip on your tools.
Working in your shop can be hard on your hands. Dry weather wicks the moisture out of your hands and solvents dry your skin even more.
The last thing you need when working with power tools is slippery hands. O’Keeffe’s Working Hands salve does a great job of moisturizing your hands without leaving a slippery film.
The salve is the consistency of cold hard butter and it literally melts into your skin.
Within a few seconds, the dry skin stops itching and burning, and you can go back to work without worrying about wood or tools slipping out of your grip.
The skin on the back of my hands and between my fingers gets so dry, the skin cracks every winter. But when I apply O’Keeffe’s Working Hands on a daily basis, there is no dry skin and no cracking. O’Keeffe’s Working Hands is available for $7.99 for a 3.4-oz container. To purchase the salve or find a local retailer, visit www.okeeffescompany.com.
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