
Hun Brothers Build Toys for Homeless Children

Hun Brothers Build Toys for Homeless Children

For the past year, Hun School students Logan and Sam Leppo (Class of 2017) have been hard at work in their family workshop constructing handmade wooden toys to donate to local homeless children. The twin brothers are fourth generation woodworkers, and their passion for crafting is a tradition they wanted […]

by October 7, 2015 Features
Whimsical Wooden Worlds

Whimsical Wooden Worlds

Dug North’s automata are complex machines–and yet, the opposite of today’s technology By Abigail Brubaker Dug North’s artist statement begins, “We have become distanced from the things that surround us.” He goes on to discuss the present state of people in industrialized nations, who own many pieces of mass-produced technology […]

by October 1, 2015 Features
Ride-able Art

Ride-able Art

Jay Kinsinger’s wooden bicycles are anything but old fashioned By Abigail Brubaker The “Ride-able Art” of Jay Kinsinger The 21st-century understanding of the bicycle is almost invariably inorganic. Bicycles, grouped with other forms of transportation, are thought of in metallic, manmade materials—although, in fact, the first bicycles were made of […]

by October 1, 2015 Features
Multigenerational Woodworking

Multigenerational Woodworking

After learning woodworking from his father, Bob Gilsdorf shares the fun with kids everywhere. Woodworking has always been a multigenerational craft for Bob Gilsdorf. During Bob’s childhood, his father had a small woodshop and was always working on furniture and other projects, showing Bob the ways in which wood could […]

by September 30, 2015 Features
A Puzzling Art Form

A Puzzling Art Form

A glimpse of some of today’s top puzzle makers In this high-tech, fast paced world where online games and entertainment offer instant gratification, it is refreshing to find a group of skilled craftsman who still carry on the traditions of hand-cut wooden jigsaw puzzles. But make no mistake. Today’s top […]

by January 11, 2014 Features
Portrait Freedom: Ten Years of Giving

Portrait Freedom: Ten Years of Giving

Organization makes portraits for the families of fallen military personnel Portrait Freedom is an organization that creates scroll sawn portraits of U.S. military personnel who lost their lives in the Afghan/Iraqi conflict. The portraits are offered as a reassurance to bereaved families that their loved ones are not forgotten. Founded […]

by January 8, 2013 Features
Dragon Challenge Entries

Dragon Challenge Entries

Readers approach pattern with cleverness and creativity In the Fall 2012 issue of the Scroll Saw Woodworking & Crafts (Issue 48), we printed a pattern of intertwined dragons and asked our readers to show us what they could do with it. Eleven readers submitted designs. We published our four favorite entries […]

by January 2, 2013 Features
Engineering a Marble Machine

Engineering a Marble Machine

Richard Browne’s marble machine is a mesmerizing artwork and an example of engineering at its best As he tells the story, Richard Browne has been an engineer in training since he was a child. “At age five I learned about electricity–by sticking jacks in the outlet,” said Richard with a […]

by October 25, 2012 Features
It's Playtime

It's Playtime

Vintage toys taught children to work and play   For almost as long as there have been people, there have been toys. The earliest examples date back thousands of years. Toys were found in Tutankhamun’s tomb, and yo-yos are clearly visible on illustrations dotting ancient Greek pottery. “I’m sure cave […]

by September 5, 2012 Features
The Art of Steampunk

The Art of Steampunk

Modern technology with a Victorian mind-set Geahk Burchill was interested in steampunk before he knew the word for it. “If you just go back to those things created by H.G. Wells and Jules Verne, some type of technology that we know today existing in a Victorian/Edwardian setting,” says the Oregon-based […]

by August 16, 2012 Features