Building a Beaded Fretwork Tray


Building a Beaded Fretwork Tray

Embellish your woodwork with simple beading techniques

My wife, Jenny Lynn, collects all types of beads. We were looking for a way to blend both of our interests while coming up with new items for craft shows. One night, Jenny Lynn suggested placing the beads inside the fretwork for a unique project. It was up to me to figure out how to accomplish that.

We started designing knickknack trays. This tray is named The Diana after my sister, Stacey Diane Griffin. The tray uses beads to highlight and complement the intricate fretwork without overpowering the project.

Watch this video for step-by-step instructions for embellishing your next fretwork project. See Scrollsaw Woodworking & Crafts issue 38 for the pattern for this project.

200 Victorian Fretwork Designs | Creating Wooden Boxes on the Scroll Saw | Scroll Saw Fretwork Patterns | SSW38