Articles by: admin

Bouncing Buggy Toy - Finished Woodworking Project in Action

Bouncing Buggy Toy – Finished Woodworking Project in Action

See the Bouncing Buggy Toy in action – as featured in the Scroll Saw Woodworking & Crafts GIZMOS & GADGETS special issue. Gizmos & Gadgets | Woodimals | Wooden Puzzles Like this cool gadget? Be sure to check out Gizmos & Gadgets, the latest special issue from Scroll Saw Woodworking […]

by September 19, 2012 Videos
Rapid-Fire Rubber Band Gun

Rapid-Fire Rubber Band Gun

This hand-crank gun shoots rubber bands up to 25 feet – as featured in the Scroll Saw Woodworking & Crafts GIZMOS & GADGETS special issue. Gizmos & Gadgets | Woodimals | Wooden Puzzles Like this cool gadget? Be sure to check out Gizmos & Gadgets, the latest special issue from […]

by September 13, 2012 Videos
Making a Smoke Grinder

Making a Smoke Grinder

Practice accurate cuts by making this intriguing beginner project – as featured in the Scroll Saw Woodworking & Crafts GIZMOS & GADGETS special issue. Gizmos & Gadgets | Woodimals | Wooden Puzzles Like this cool gizmo? Be sure to check out Gizmos & Gadgets, the latest special issue from Scroll […]

by September 12, 2012 Videos
Wood-Splitting Whirligig - the video

Wood-Splitting Whirligig – the video

Here is a video of a working Wood-Splitting Whirligig – as featured in the Scroll Saw Woodworking & Crafts GIZMOS & GADGETS special issue. Gizmos & Gadgets | Woodimals | Wooden Puzzles Like this cool automata? Be sure to check out Gizmos & Gadgets, the latest special issue from Scroll […]

by September 11, 2012 Videos
A Marvelous Marble Machine

A Marvelous Marble Machine

This Scroll Saw Woodworking & Crafts exclusive machine is as fun and challenging as it is mesmerizing to watch. Gizmos & Gadgets | Amazing Marble Machine Pack | Wooden Puzzles Like this cool gadget? Be sure to check out Gizmos & Gadgets, the latest special issue from Scroll Saw Woodworking […]

by September 10, 2012 Videos
Wooden Puzzle Vault

Wooden Puzzle Vault

Clever design will keep them guessing While reading The DaVinci Code by Dan Brown, I was intrigued by the description of what he called a “cryptex,” or vault protected by a combination lock. After reading the passage describing the cryptex, I knew I had to design one in wood. The […]

by September 6, 2012 Patterns
It's Playtime

It's Playtime

Vintage toys taught children to work and play   For almost as long as there have been people, there have been toys. The earliest examples date back thousands of years. Toys were found in Tutankhamun’s tomb, and yo-yos are clearly visible on illustrations dotting ancient Greek pottery. “I’m sure cave […]

by September 5, 2012 Features
The Art of Steampunk

The Art of Steampunk

Modern technology with a Victorian mind-set Geahk Burchill was interested in steampunk before he knew the word for it. “If you just go back to those things created by H.G. Wells and Jules Verne, some type of technology that we know today existing in a Victorian/Edwardian setting,” says the Oregon-based […]

by August 16, 2012 Features
Creating a custom building portrait

Creating a custom building portrait

Hand-draw or use software to design your own pattern A friend commissioned me to cut a fretwork portrait of the Biltmore House in Asheville, N.C. I used her photo to create the pattern and portrait of the famous mansion. Since then I have finished a few more house projects. Most […]

by June 25, 2012 Techniques
Presidential Puzzles: Donkey and Elephant Woodimals

Presidential Puzzles: Donkey and Elephant Woodimals

Scroll the traditional Woodimal puzzles that simply spell the name of the animal. Show your support for your favorite political party with the whimsical Woodimal™ puzzles that appeared in Scroll Saw Woodworking & Crafts Fall 2012 (Issue 48). A Woodimal usually spells the name of the animal it represents, but […]

by June 22, 2012 Patterns