New Leaders for SAW
The Scrollsaw Association of the World (SAW) was founded in 1997 as a way for scrollers to connect with each other, share knowledge, and organize events. The group has hosted picnics and conferences, published a newsletter and a director of members, and created a system of judging for scroll saw competitions.
After many successful years, however, SAW’s membership and activity have been declining. You may have seen a notice on the SAW website asking for volunteers to lead and reinvigorate the group, the alternative being dissolution.
We have recently received word that the call has been answered—a new board of directors has been elected. Bob King will serve as president and chapter coordinator; additional board members will be Ron Ault, vice president; Walter Person, secretary; Ron Haigler, treasurer; Allan Price, SAWdust editor; and James McGuire and Linda Romatko, board members at large. They will work with the outgoing board to transition the leadership and revitalize the organization with an eye toward regrowing the membership and keeping the group relevant to today’s woodworkers.
We wish the new leaders of SAW the best and look forward to hearing about newly planned picnics and fresh issues of the club’s newsletter. Look for updates and membership information at their website.