Artist uses hardware items and other items to embellish her work
Gulf coast artist develops her own form of “liberal intarsia”
Artist L. Kim Braa pushes the limits of the scroll saw–and other materials–with her scrolled work.
The Gulf-coast artist steps outside the traditional woods and materials used by scrollers and integrates all sorts of materials into her work.
“I don’t limit the types of materials used in one piece,” Kim explained. “I’ll mix natural wood, MDF, acrylic plastic, gold leaf, and even furniture nail heads.”
Not only does Kim integrate all sorts of materials into her work, “My wall sculptures don’t seem to fit into one specific cutting method but a combination of all of them: intarsia, segmentation, fret, dimensional, overlay and/or inlay,” Kim said.”I like to use the term ‘liberal intarsia,’ as I choose my different wood/materials based on their properties using the same process as intarsia; direction of grain/pattern, color,density, etc. However, the entire piece may not be finished by butting up each individual element to the other, as done in typical intarsia projects.”
Art of Intarsia | Great Book of Dragon 2nd | Intarsia | SSW40