Post Tagged with: "ssw55"

Shop-made Push Sticks

Shop-made Push Sticks

Keep your fingers away from sharp blades with these simple designs In Scroll Saw Woodworking & Crafts Summer 2014 (Issue 55), Dennis Simmons offered an Adirondack chair pattern sized for dolls. Since some of the pieces were small, he also created these push sticks to hold the pieces while you cut […]

by April 19, 2014 Shop Tips
Bon Appetit Pattern

Bon Appetit Pattern

Additional Chef patterns to show off your skills In Scroll Saw Woodworking & Crafts Summer 2014 (Issue 55), Alison Tanner offered a few chef silhouette patterns. Here is an alternate presentation for these patterns. Woodimals | Fresh Designs for Woodworking Attachment: Photo Frame Pattern

by April 16, 2014 Patterns
Fairy Fretwork Pattern

Fairy Fretwork Pattern

Scroll this bonus fretwork fairy pattern In Scroll Saw Woodworking & Crafts Summer 2014 (Issue 55), Charlie Dearing offered an intricate pattern of a lynx. Here is an equally intricate bonus Fairy fretwork pattern also by Charlie.The pattern is derived from an original drawing by Anne Stokes, Big Book of […]

by April 14, 2014 Patterns, Spring