The SeeSander lets you see exactly how much material you are removing when sanding.
With traditional sanders, you can’t see how much you’re removing, so you sand, check the piece, sand some more, check the piece, and hope you don’t sand too much. The new SeeSander by Seyco solves this problem.
The sanding disk is designed to fit into a drill and has slots cut into it. These slots are large enough that the spinning disk is nearly invisible, but not large enough to catch the wood. I pressed a piece of oak into the disk hard enough to bow the plastic, and it didn’t catch.
The disks are available in three grits: coarse, which gives you extremely quick stock removal, medium, which shapes and smooths the stock, and fine, which produces a smooth, glossy finish.
The disk sands quickly and the slots keep it from overheating. The only time the coarse grit disk burned was when I held a piece of red oak against it for several minutes—sanding off 1/4″ to 1/2″ in the process. By removing the wood for a second, you allow the disk to cool off and you can sand again without burning.
The disk does load up, but it’s easily cleaned with a sanding belt cleaner. I’ve been using one for several weeks without a noticeable loss of abrasiveness.
The SeeSander kit comes with one disk of each grit and a mandral for $24 plus S&H. For more information, contact Seyco at 800-462-3353,