Scroll saw club joins forces with the Girl Scouts to make this Mother’s Day project a smash hit
For the past five years, the Long Island Scroll Saw Association has been making painted wood flowers and donating them to area nursing homes for Mother’s Day. The group began by donating to two different homes, but this year, thanks to an enthusiastic group of Girl Scouts, the project really expanded.
After the scrollers invited Junior Girl Scout Troop 747 and Cadet Troop 2589 to join the project, the work on the flowers began. Members stepped up to make sure the Scouts would have enough flowers to paint. On project day, twelve young girls and two Troop Leaders came ready for hard work, painting the scrolled flowers and decorating them with cellophane and ribbon. In all, the club and its Girl Scout helpers made 153 flowers this year. They hope to distribute them to five different area nursing homes and assisted living facilities.
Submitted by Jean Piotrowski. For more information, visit
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