Other News

Scroll Saw Joinery

Scroll Saw Joinery

Making the table saw jigs You will need a table saw jig, to make hinges, cut box sides, cut slots in box sides for the box bottom, and to cut the 45 degree beveled box corners. My table saw jig is 20″ x 24″, but, if you have a smaller […]

by September 2, 2009 Techniques
Independence Day Box

Independence Day Box

Layering Technique Lets You Make as Deep—or as Shallow—a Box as You Want Celebrate our nation’s birthday with this simple patriotic scrolled box. By cutting each layer separately, you can make the box much deeper than if you glue all the pieces together before cutting or cut it out of […]

by September 2, 2009 Patterns
Excalibur Scroll Saw

Excalibur Scroll Saw

EX21 Put To The Test Excalibur has totally redesigned the scroll saw with their new EX21. The biggest change is in the mechanism to change the cutting angle. Instead of tilting the saw table to the right or the left, the saw arm tilts to the right or the left. […]

by September 2, 2009 Scroll Saw Reviews
Hummingbird Rocking Chair Clock

Hummingbird Rocking Chair Clock

Embellish a whimsical doll chair with a classic summer design Cut by Bernie McKruit of the Blazing Blades of Western PA Hummingbirds are one of the most recognizable signs of the harvest season. This rocking chair project looks great on an end table or a windowsill—or anyplace else that needs […]

by September 1, 2009 Patterns
Homemade Relief Cutting Gauge

Homemade Relief Cutting Gauge

Practice your relief cutting skills while making a useful shop tool Relief cutting is a great way to add depth to a project —but it is some-times tough to know what angle to set your table and what direction to cut. All saws cut differently, so when a pat-tern tells […]

by September 1, 2009 Techniques
Creating Word Ornaments

Creating Word Ornaments

Steve from scrollsawworkshop.blogspot.com shows how to use Microsoft Word to create word ornaments.

by September 1, 2009 Videos
Creating Whimsical Name Patterns

Creating Whimsical Name Patterns

Steve from scrollsawworkshop.blogspot.com shows how to use Corel Draw to create whimsical name patterns.

by September 1, 2009 Videos
Tracing Objects in Corel Draw

Tracing Objects in Corel Draw

Steve from scrollsawworkshop.blogspot.com shows how to trace objects in Corel Draw.

by September 1, 2009 Videos
Using Corel Draw to include curved text on a pattern

Using Corel Draw to include curved text on a pattern

Steve from scrollsawworkshop.blogspot.com shows how to add curved text on a pattern using Corel Draw.

by September 1, 2009 Videos
Scanning Clipart into Corel Draw

Scanning Clipart into Corel Draw

Steve from scrollsawworkshop.blogspot.com shows how to use Corel Draw to scan in clip art and create patterns.

by September 1, 2009 Videos