Joseph Lucania shows off the Boy Scout Badge project he designed
Clever freestanding plaque commemorate a youth’s induction into a Boy Scout Troop
Joseph Lucania, 96, of Holmdel, N.J., created this freestanding plaque to honor boys being inducted into their first Boy Scout Troop. Called “investiture,” this ceremony gives the youths a visible transition into the troop.
The text across the top and on the three pillars illustrate the Boy Scout Oath: do your duty to god, country, others, and yourself. The letters across the bottom refer to the first letter on the twelve parts of the Boy Scout Law.
The backing board (which acts as the front), the sides, and the bottom are cut from 3/4″ (19mm)-thick pine. Attach the patterns to the blanks, drill any required blade-entry holes, and cut the sides, front, and bottom. Then attach the patterns to the 1/8″ (3mm)-thick overlay stock, drill blade-entry holes, and cut the letters. Paint the letters gold and use the pattern as a guide to glue and screw the letters to the front. Then glue and screw the sides and bottom to the front.
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Investiture Plaque Pattern Complete
Investiture Plaque Pattern Top Left
Investiture Plaque Pattern Top Right
Investiture Plaque Pattern Bottom
Invistiture Plaque Base